How We Empower Our Partners

We’ve designed all of our solutions with one thing in mind: maximize value for our partners.

Quality content that combines the best of research and data with mindfulness to train teams in building new habits that support behavior change.

Be more with Anu range of programs

Range of programs that fit specific organizational DEIB training needs

Be more with Anu efficient and hassle free

Demonstrate ROI through our proprietary metrics

Be more with Anu Demonstrate ROI

Efficient and hassle-free delivery of programs that can be completed in 90 minutes or less

Be more with Anu

Fulfill compliance requirements through team progress reports

We Work With

Case Studies & Thought Leadership

  • year of DEIB trainings

    Online DEI Training Get Results

    As I think back on a wonderful year of continually pressing forward and moving the needle on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work, I'm thinking about how powerful a tool it is to have online DEI trainings in our toolbelts to foster organizational change.

  • DEI trainings should be quality

    When It Comes to Online DEI Training, Quality Matters

    In 2023, you're likely not wondering whether your organization should complete diversity training to strengthen your team's capacity for equity and inclusion. The more likely question is: how will you complete it?

  • end systemic racism

    The time is now to end systemic racism

    If the events of the last two years have taught us anything, it's this: as our world becomes more and more polarized, the work of breaking bias together becomes ever more important. The work that our ancestors undertook, from the Jim Crow era to the Civil Rights era and beyond…

  • diversity and inclusion

    Why I joined the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion

    If you’ve been following BE MORE with Anu for a while, you know that I’m passionate about a lot of things. I’m a scientist who loves learning; an educator who loves teaching; a lawyer who loves equity. I’ve spent my life pursuing different pathways that could…

  • breaking bias points of light national conference

    Breaking Bias at Points of Light

    This past summer, I had the opportunity to bring our work to the Points of Light conference. The theme -- REimagine, REvitalize, REcommit -- spoke to me as soon as I saw it; I knew I had to apply to speak. In February, I was accepted, and by July I was presenting a talk: Two Sides of the…

Ready to Get Started?

With our extensive product portfolio, leaders can skillfully quell doubts and rest assured that their teams are truly embodying your organization’s DEIB commitment.

Schedule a call to explore how we can help you achieve your goals to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in your organization.
